Spring 2026 | Journey to Asia, Africa, and Europe

Course Offerings & Field Work

Courses will be posted as they are approved by our academic partner, Colorado State University.

Course Offering Overview

Course Offering Information:

  • Spring 2026 courses will be listed on a rolling basis as they are approved by our academic partner, Colorado State University.
  • Courses are listed between 9-12 months prior to the voyage. View our Frequently Offered Courses.
  • 70-72 sections will be offered on the Spring 2026 Voyage.
  • Lower-division courses are designated with 100-299 numbers; upper-division courses are 300-499 numbers.
  • Each course, except for Global Studies, has an experiential Field Class in one of the ports.

Registration Information:

  • All Semester at Sea students take 4 courses, including the required core course, IE 200 Global Studies, for a total full-time load of 12 credits.
  • Course schedule information will be posted in August 2025.
  • Course registration will open in October 2025.
  • All Start at Sea students are required to take IU 172C New Student Seminar.

Field Programs & Field Work

When Semester at Sea arrives in each country, student voyagers will either explore via required Field Work for their classes, participate in optional Semester at Sea-designed Field Programs, or they can plan their own travel experiences.

Spring 2026 Courses & Field Work

Course Offerings
Art Meets Instructor Credits
(Section 1)
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August.
(Section 2)
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August.
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Business Meets Instructor Credits
(Section 1)
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August.
(Section 2)
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August.
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Communication Studies Meets Instructor Credits
(Section 1)
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August.
(Section 2)
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August.
Economics Meets Instructor Credits
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Ecosystem Science and Sustainability Meets Instructor Credits
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Education-General Meets Instructor Credits
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
English Meets Instructor Credits
(Focus: Travel Writing)
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August.
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Food Science and Human Nutrition Meets Instructor Credits
(Section 1)
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August.
(Section 2)
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August.
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Geography Meets Instructor Credits
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Geology Meets Instructor Credits
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Health and Exercise Science Meets Instructor Credits
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
History Meets Instructor Credits
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Human Development and Family Studies Meets Instructor Credits
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
International Education Meets Instructor Credits
(Section 1)
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August.
(Section 2)
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August.
(Focus: Human Rights)
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August.
(Focus: Women & Leadership)
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August.
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Intra-University Meets Instructor Credits
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Journalism and Media Communication Meets Instructor Credits
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Liberal Arts Meets Instructor Credits
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Management Meets Instructor Credits
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Natural Resource Recreation and Tourism Meets Instructor Credits
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Natural Resources Meets Instructor Credits
(Section 1)
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August.
(Section 2)
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August.
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Philosophy and Religion Meets Instructor Credits
(Section 1)
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August.
(Section 2)
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August.
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Political Science Meets Instructor Credits
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Psychology Meets Instructor Credits
(Section 1)
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August.
(Section 2)
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August.
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
(Section 1)
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August.
(Section 2)
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August.
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Sociology Meets Instructor Credits
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0
Women’s Studies Meets Instructor Credits
Field Work: Field Class country and date will be announced in August. 3.0

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