Semester at sea changed my life! The whole experience felt like a dream come true and I still have a hard time believing I was apart of such a wonderful program! I met the most amazing people on my voyage and two of my best friends who I still keep in touch with! If you are worried about cost, Semester at Sea has their own scholarships you can apply for and the pell grant match! Check with your home college as well to see if their scholarships can be applied towards the program. Semester at Sea is possible for students who come from a low income background!
Cost & Financial Aid
Scholarships & Grants
Explore the range of options available to help you fund your Semester at Sea journey.
What You Need to Know About Semester at Sea Scholarships & Grants
Even students who do not qualify for standard forms of financial aid (such as Pell Grants) on their home campuses may be eligible for scholarships through the Institute for Shipboard Education (ISE) and Semester at Sea. Applicants are strongly encouraged to file the FAFSA and submit the Student Aid Report to the ISE along with tax returns from the most recent tax year and any supplemental information that might be helpful in our review.
International students are also welcome to apply for any ISE scholarships. We ask that you submit a statement of your parents’ income, with an English translation and conversion to U.S. dollars, in lieu of the FAFSA and tax forms.
Merit Grants, Need-Based Grants, Pell Match Grants – Rolling Deadlines
These awards have rolling deadlines and they are awarded on a rolling basis until approximately two weeks prior to the voyage embarkation date or until the funds have been depleted — whichever occurs first. Students should apply for the below awards early if they wish to receive funding.
Merit Grants
$250 – $2,500
Merit grant recognize students who demonstrate academic excellence and leadership. Students must have a >3.0 GPA in order to apply.
Need-Based Grants
$250 – $10,000
Helping make SAS a possibility for all students regardless of financial status, this award is open for all students to apply.
Pell Grant Match
Award Varies
Semester at Sea generously matches the Federal Pell Grant for the semester for confirmed students currently receiving a Pell Grant at their home school.
ISE Standard Scholarships & Grants
Alumni Support Scholarships
$500 – $10,000
Fall and Spring Voyages
Merit-based awards supported by generous gifts from alumni. This award is eligible for students who have a >3.0 GPA. Students will be expected to correspond with the donor if selected.
Global Journalism Fellowships
Fall and Spring Voyages
The Global Journalism and Integrated Communications Fellowship empowers recipients to develop reporting, digital storytelling, and critical thinking skills during their voyage.
Fall and Spring Voyages
This scholarship supports participation in SAS for students attending a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) that is a member of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU).
Fall and Spring Voyages
This scholarship supports participation in SAS for students attending Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) or a Predominantly Black Institution (PBI) as defined by the U.S. Department of Education.
Inclusive Engagement
$5,000 + Flights
Fall and Spring Voyages
Recipients will be expected to lead and foster inclusive practices and events within the shipboard community. Open to all students. Preference will be given to students from underrepresented identities.
International Student Advancement Award
$3,500 – $10,000
Fall and Spring Voyages
Expanding the SAS community to include more international students. Students must be enrolled in a university outside of the United States.
Minority Serving Institution Scholarships
Fall and Spring Voyages
Four awards for attendees of eligible Minority Serving Institutions (MSI). Preference will be given to students who identify with underrepresented backgrounds.
Student Assistant
Fall and Spring Voyages
A work-study program for industrious, experienced students. This is open for all students to apply.
Tung Legacy
Fall Voyages
Need- and merit-based aid for legacy students to the children or grandchildren of SAS alumni, with a demonstrated financial need or A 3.0 cumulative GPA for merit awards
Partner Scholarships

Amount: $5,000-$10,000
NSCS Scholarship “Scholar at Sea”
Members of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars are eligible to apply for this award. Two $10,000 awards, three $5,000 awards, and one $5,000 award for CSU NSCS members are available per voyage. Requirements and application are available online.

Amount: $10,000
The Society of Torch & Laurel Scholarship
High-achieving Torch & Laurel Scholars are eligible to apply for this award. Requirements and the application are available online.

Amount: up to $5,000
Fund for Education Abroad
Applicants interested in Semester at Sea’s programming who meet FEA’s eligibility requirements could receive up to $5,000 per semester. Learn more.
Check Out Some Helpful Videos
Frequenty Asked Questions
Everything you need to know about program costs for Semester at Sea
Payment is due 90 days before the voyages. This due date may be extended with verification of financial aid and disbursement information.
As soon as you are academically admitted, please submit your deposit within 30 days of admission. The deposit is applied against the tuition and fees for the semester. It is refundable up to 90 days prior to the start of the semester should you decide that you are unable to attend.
Yes. ISE offers a variety of need-based financial awards. Students who qualify for federal aid and loans can also receive ISE assistance. Students who do not typically qualify for federal aid/loans will also be considered for ISE assistance.
Use of any federal aid or loans that you receive, such as Pell Grants and Direct loans, are dependent upon the policies of your home institution. The use of any institutional aid you receive from your home school or from another source must be determined by that source. You must check with the financial aid office at your home institution to determine if your financial aid will transfer.
For federal aid and loans you should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on your home campus. The information that this process generates will be used both for federal aid and loans and for ISE assistance. For international students, please complete the ISE International Student Aid form, found in your student portal. Semester at Sea financial aid deadlines are typically 3.5 months prior to voyage embarkation date. Visit the ISE Scholarships page for applications and deadlines.