Payment is due 90 days before the voyages. This due date may be extended with verification of financial aid and disbursement information.
As soon as you are academically admitted, please submit your deposit within 30 days of admission. The deposit is applied against the tuition and fees for the semester. It is refundable up to 90 days prior to the start of the semester should you decide that you are unable to attend.
Yes. ISE offers a variety of need-based financial awards. Students who qualify for federal aid and loans can also receive ISE assistance. Students who do not typically qualify for federal aid/loans will also be considered for ISE assistance.
Use of any federal aid or loans that you receive, such as Pell Grants and Direct loans, are dependent upon the policies of your home institution. The use of any institutional aid you receive from your home school or from another source must be determined by that source. You must check with the financial aid office at your home institution to determine if your financial aid will transfer.
For federal aid and loans you should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on your home campus. The information that this process generates will be used both for federal aid and loans and for ISE assistance. For international students, please complete the ISE International Student Aid form, found in your student portal. Semester at Sea financial aid deadlines are typically 3.5 months prior to voyage embarkation date. Visit the ISE Scholarships page for applications and deadlines.
After embarkation students are expected to work 2 hours per day while at sea. Students are not expected to work during days in port. Student assistant positions are usually in the following departments: library, computer lab, field office, administrative office, student life, and registrar’s office.
A consortium agreement is a written understanding between two schools that will outline issues such as credit transfer, financial aid, and course pre-approval. Many schools require a consortium agreement to study abroad. Almost all schools will require a consortium agreement to transfer financial aid. Please visit your financial aid or study abroad office for more information.
Possibly. You will be enrolled as a visiting, non-degree seeking student at Colorado State University. Students must be degree-seeking at their home institution in order to receive federal financial aid. Please contact the Semester at Sea financial aid office if your home institution will not process aid.
Private student loans are available from most large banking institutions. The internet is a valuable resource to compare loan terms, rates, and repayment terms.
Some private scholarships may transfer, home school institutional scholarships usually do not transfer. You will need to check with your school’s study abroad office and/or financial aid office to find out if your scholarship can be applied to Semester at Sea.