Tutu Ubuntu Scholarship

Scholarship Information

Amount: $30,000

Voyages: Spring

Eligibility: Must be a current undergraduate student who graduated from a high school located in an African country.

SAS Financial Aid Apply Eligibility

Thank you for your interest in applying for Semester at Sea grants and scholarships! You must be a confirmed voyager, by paying your deposit, before you can apply for any Semester at Sea financial aid. Please answer the questions below to continue.


This scholarship has been created in the legacy of Archbishop Desmond Tutu as a means to award deserving students with the opportunity to promote his message of forgiveness, empowerment, and peace.

Past Scholars:

Tracey Osogo, Spring 2020

Tracey Osogo was the Spring 2020 recipient of the Tutu Ubuntu Scholarship. “It was one of the most fulfilling things I have done in my life,” Tracey said of her Semester at Sea experience. Her uncle introduced Tracey to Semester at Sea and motivated her to apply to any and all available scholarships. If there is one piece of advice Tracey would give it’s that students should not be shy in applying and “just go ahead.” She had heard of a previous recipient (also being from Kenya) who almost did not apply because she thought a scholarship that is open to all of Africa would not go to another recipient from Kenya. Thankfully this did not stop her and she not only applied but received the scholarship!

Levix Aloo, Spring 2019

I was born in the Kibera slum of Nairobi and grew up with a single parent from a very, very humble background. We couldn’t pay for primary or high school, and I had to find scholarships and missionaries to support my education. There were times when we were homeless or nearly homeless, and I had to work very hard for everything that I have done in my life. I found out about Semester at Sea and was quite curious about it, but the real question was how I could pay for it. I discovered the Desmond Tutu Ubuntu scholarship and thought maybe it was possible. I didn’t know about the Ubuntu philosophy because it is from the South African tradition, so I read up on it and I realized that we have a similar word in Swahili. That’s when I realized that my whole life is full of Ubuntu.

Apply Now

In order to be eligible for this scholarship, you must be a confirmed voyager who has paid your deposit.