Semester at Sea Traditions
A number of special community days and celebrations occur throughout each Semester at Sea voyage. On a few sea days, classes are replaced with fun, engaging activities that connect all voyagers and create memories that will last a lifetime!
Sea Olympics
One of the most anticipated days of the semester! Sea Olympics are active, fun, and creative team competitions. Seas (grouped by where your cabin is located on the ship) compete against one another in a variety of activities, including synchronized swimming, ping-pong, trivia, and lip sync battles to earn points and hopefully take home the gold!
Neptune Day
Dating back to 1926, the transition from pollywog to shellback forms one of Semester at Sea’s most memorable traditions. Each time the MV World Odyssey crosses the equator for the first time during a voyage, festivities ensue that let voyagers pay homage to King Neptune by kissing a fish, showering in “guts,” and shaving their heads.

Alumni Ball
This semi-formal and often themed event brings the community together toward the end of the voyage. It is a celebration of the progression from students to alumni, and it’s a perfect occasion to dress up for sunset photos with friends and toast the accomplishments of the semester!
Shipboard Auction
This event allows current voyagers to contribute to the shipboard drive, which provides funding for future Semester at Sea student scholarships. All shipboard participants are invited to auction items of interest in the live auction, silent auction, or raffle.

Talent Shows
A wonderful display of shipboard talent, this show encompasses acts that range from vocalists to comedians and instrumentalists to poets. Talent Show/Open Mic night is generally scheduled midway through a voyage. The Crew Talent Show is another favorite event at the end of the voyage and raises funds for crew gratuities.