ART 320 Global Encounters in Art
Overview of Course
As part of the course, students will analyze works of art from a variety of countries around the word, will gain a deeper understanding about the communities associated with them and be able to analyze works of art viewed throughout the voyage.
We will study majors works, monuments and sites from each country. Throughout the semester, we will examine the function of art in the different cultures and investigate the connections it has with various communities. Students will work together for group projects and class discussions. They will be active learners and share their thoughts and voices on various works of art viewed through the voyage. Student voices are valued during each class discussion and enhance the class.
This course will be structured with class discussions, assigned readings, written assignments, student presentations and journal entries. Students will display a basic understanding of art, art history and the various media and processes for making art. The elements of art (color, value, saturation, form, line, shape, space and texture) and the principles of art (balance, contrast, emphasis, rhythm/movement, proportion/scale, unity and variety and pattern) will support class discussions and images included in the course.
As I strongly encourage comments, questions, and active discussion from students, it is a good idea to prepare for these classes by reviewing the assigned readings before coming to class. By the end of the course, students will have strengthened their skills at interpreting art.