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Ambassadors of Change: Finding Refuge Back Home

“How do you feel when you see someone, who had lost all hope, regain their hope” ~ (Question asked to Desmond Tutu in Finding Refuge Interview)

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As the Global Ambassadors Program Coordinator at Semester at Sea®, I have been overjoyed and impressed at the efforts of young alumni to bring parts of what they learn and experience home to their friends and families. Many have started organizations (like Kiva and The Unreasonable Institute) devoted to aspects of international service. Others continue a commitment to work with organizations that they were exposed to while on Semester at Sea. I would like to highlight one of these organizations that have impacted students long after they returned home.

Finding Refuge is an organization that it is devoted to “Create a global awareness of child slavery in Ghana”. The organization itself was started by SAS alumni and Semester at Sea has a service trip that introduces students to the program. Many Global Ambassadors who went on this service trip wanted to continue their work by raising awareness at their home campuses by starting their own regional chapters of the organization. Examples of Global Ambassadors who have or are working on bringing the Finding Refuge organization back are from Ithaca College,University of Wisconsin–Madison, University of Oregon, and theUniversity of California–San Diego , just to name a few. Creating these chapters allows these young alumni to carry their voyage experiences with them in meaningful ways and to help others become aware that slavery still exists in the world. This kind of work promotes the positive idea of Ubuntu, “”I am what I am because of who we all are.” An idea promoted by Archbishop Desmond Tutu that stems from African philosophy and something the Semester at Sea¬Æ community and Global Ambassadors believe strongly in.

To see a blog article featuring Semester at Sea® and the relationship with Finding Refuge please click on this link:

Tune in Next time for another episode of‚Ķ “Ambassadors of Change” ‚Äì Brought to you by the Semester at Sea Global Ambassadors Program‚Ķ

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