We accept applications year-round on a rolling basis.
Applying early increases your chances of securing a spot on the ship, as voyages do fill up.
Semester at Sea requires college students to meet our standards to cultivate a learning experience worthy of traveling the world.
Here’s what you need to apply to SAS as an undergraduate student.
Students whose first language is not English, or whose current university curriculum is not taught in English, must provide an English language proficiency test score:
Everything you need to know about applying to Semester at Sea as an undergraduate student.
Yes. Students must be 18 at time of embarkation. This includes Gap Year participants.
Semester at Sea operates on a rolling admissions basis, meaning there are no application deadlines for specific semesters. However, it is recommended that you begin the application process 12 months before the semester in which you would like to participate. Applications will continue to be accepted until approximately one month before the start of the voyage.
Yes, students from all majors regularly enroll in Semester at Sea. More than 40 majors are typically represented on any given voyage.
If you are in good academic standing and have a good record with regard to behavior on your home campus, you will be given every consideration. Semester at Sea operates with the philosophy that all undergraduate students should study abroad. We will work with you to help make it possible.
Once the Office of Admission has received your completed application, you will receive a reply in about 7-10 business days. It is advisable to follow up and verify that all components of your application have been received.